Microcision Expanding Capacity and Efficiency

Microcision is undergoing a substantial expansion, investing $1.5 million to date in 2014. Additional capacity has been added to highly sophisticated Swiss CNCs, 5-axis milling, inspection equipment and laser engraving. These additions not only increase capacity, but also drive efficiency.

  • Star-SR20R-IV. We now have three of these style machines (out of 27 Swiss). This is the most complex Swiss on the market, with a 27-position tool station that can utilize 41 tools. Great for turn/mill products.
  • Tsugami-SS20-M. This a bar-fed 5 axis mill. Microcision has five total mills and view this as the start of our transition to all bar-fed 5-axis milling.

Remaining current purchases will ensure that Microcision has duplicate machines on all major processes: laser engraving, packaging, CMM and vision systems.

For more information, contact:

David Olsovsky
Sales Manager
Microcision LLC
215-744-0770 (Office)