The State of American Medicine – Orthopaedics and the Vampire Economy


Orthopaedics and the Vampire Economy
Lee Hieb, M.D.

American medicine today is in crisis, but not for the reasons most often reported. Although once the bastion of the free market economy, America has become overtaxed and overregulated by an by an ever-growing bureaucracy. Its policies target all businesses, but may be especially damaging to entrepreneurs and manufacturers.  Dr. Lee Hieb has studied the history of similar economies and shares ways that businesses might adapt to survive. 

To view the remaining parts from Dr. Hieb’s Keynote Address, Orthopaedics and the
Vampire Economy, please follow these links:

Part 2: Big Government’s Argument for Government-run Medicine 

Part 3: An Environment of Oppressive Taxation and Overregulation

Part 4: What are the Symptoms of America’s Disease of Decline?

Part 5: What are the Economic Signs of America’s Disease of Decline?

Part 6: What is the Diagnosis? How do we Survive?

Part 7: What is the Outcome?

Part 8: Conclusions: The Tipping Point