Musculoskeletal Transplant Foundation Rebrands as MTF Biologics

Musculoskeletal Transplant Foundation changed its name to MTF Biologics.

The move reflects its 30-year evolution from a surgeon-founded entity, established to supply tissue for the treatment of bone tumors, to an organization that serves a range of providers and patients with research and development of new biologics to support tissue regeneration.

Founded in 1987, MTF Biologics receives donated human tissue, such as skin, bone, tendons, ligaments, cartilage and birth tissue from donors throughout the U.S., which it processes and distributes through a network of organ and tissue procurement agencies. Over the years, it has distributed >7.5 million grafts that have been used in orthopaedic, spinal, sports medicine and other procedures. MTF Biologics has also provided >$50MM in grant funding.

Last month, President and Chief Executive Officer Bruce Stroever announced his 2018 retirement, having served MTF since its founding.

Source: MTF Biologics